Introduction to Hockey Coaching

The Introduction to Hockey Coaching workshop has been developed for potential coaches with limited experience of hockey coaching. It is suitable for parent helpers, school teachers, young leaders and coaches with backgrounds in other sports.  This workshop will develop you to coach hockey with confidence ensuring that the sessions you take are safe, suitable and inspiring for the players you coach.

Coaches will gain practical ideas on HOW to deliver fun, exciting and dynamic games to facilitate effective learning environments and understanding that THE GAME IS THE TEACHER, THE PITCH IS THE CLASSROOM, THE COACH IS THE FACILITATOR.


What experience do I need?

Coaches must be 16 years of age or older at the time of the workshop.

The cost is £75 for members and £90 for non members.

Register on a workshop through HockeyHub or contact Colleen Reid for further information about this workshop.


Further Info

Participants must also complete a Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport Workshop.

sportscotland subsidy is available direct from Scottish Hockey and will be provided to Scottish Hockey members who apply using the application process and meet the criteria aligned to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (Rural, SIMD areas, Women, U25, working with young people or people with disabilities).

Funding available will be 40% for participants.

For further information and to apply for subsidy go to the application form here