All District Convenors plan Development Workshops throughout the season to help umpires develop their skills and improve their performances. 

Details of these workshops are advertised by individual Districts or circulated to your Club via email.






Umpire Coach

Some Clubs and Districts have Umpire Coaches who can support you throughout the season with various areas of your game.  Ask your Club who the Umpire Coach is or ask a more experienced umpire to assist you during training games.  You can also make contact with the District Umpire Convenor to check the possibility of arranging an umpire coaching session.


If you are interested in helping others to develop their umpiring skills in your Club or District have a look at the Umpire Developer training on HockeyHub:

Club Umpire Developer training

After completing the training, as a developer you will be able to:

  • Understand the role of the Umpire Developer
  • Understand the key skills and knowledge required of an umpire developer
  • Understand the pre, during and post match requirements of an umpire developer
  • Recognise what good umpiring looks like
  • Be able to provide effective verbal feedback
  • Be familiar with the club umpire feedback form

Visit Hockey Hub to develop these skills as an umpire developer.