Scottish Masters Hockey board positions available

The new organisation to administer Masters international teams on behalf of Scottish Hockey, Scottish Masters Hockey, has board positions available for people looking to contribute to the growth of masters hockey in Scotland.

The members of the current working group, who have been acting as the interim board, have all indicated that they are happy to step down and let a new leadership group take the organisation forward.

With that in mind, Scottish Masters Hockey is looking for applications or nominations of appropriately experienced and qualified individuals for the key director roles so that they can be proposed to the membership at the Masters AGM, which will be held in March.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 22nd January, 2021.

Applications or nominations should be sent to [email protected] where further information can be sought.

Role Descriptions

SMH President role description

SMH Vice President role description

SMH Secretary role description

SMH Treasurer role description

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